Side effects of Allopathy

Medicine Scientists agree that they do not know even 2% of the working of the human body. Medicines are based on this 2% knowledge of the human body. Everybody in allopathy tells me (One Cure for All Diseases) little knowledge is dangerous. I know nothing about medicines, human body or other biology. Now who would say that 2% is too much knowledge. They pride themselves on 2% being too much...

constipation and evidence based modern science

constipation and evidence based modern science constipation and evidence based modern science 90% of the population of this world passes stool in the morning. 90% of the population of this earth does not drink water during night. So effectively 90% of the population of this earth passes stool after 10 to 12 hours of dehydration. Can we really say that for passing healthy stool, one should...