One Cure for All Diseases

One Cure for All Diseases One Cure for All Diseases Example Take a glass of water. Add a spoon of salt to the water. Taste the water. If salt is more, one will add more water to dilute the salt. If salt is less, one will take less water next time. Blood in Human Body Blood in Human body is 6 to 7% of the body weight. A person weighing 70 kg will have 4.2 to 4.9 litres of blood in his body. The...

One Cure for Every Disease

The main 3 systems of medicine are – Allopathy, Ayurved and Homeopathy. Allopathy and Ayurved systems assume a person gets disease when there is imbalance (shortage or excess) of some life elements (Minerals, vitamins, hormones etc.) in the body. So there are blood tests performed in allopathy to know the shortages and excesses. In Ayurved doctors rely on previous knowledge and judge the...