Weight Loss Science

Weight Loss Science


  • Get up early in the day.
  • Walk at normal pace for 5 to 10 minutes in the comfort your home (700 to 1200 steps – Use android app – Pedometer to count your steps).
  • Rest or sleep in bed for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat the above 3 more times.

At the end of the above you would have walked 700 x 4 to 1200 x 4 steps (2800 to 4800 steps).

If you miss to get up early, do not worry – You can do the above whenever you feel like in the day or even before your go to bed.

I think it cannot get better then this. So go for it. You should be losing 1-2 kg per month. That is the healthiest way to healthy weight. No believe me there will be no side effects.

Now it is time to look at some facts.



  • There are 1440 minutes in a day (24 hours).
  • A person consumes 2100 to 2800 calories in 24 hours.
  • That translates into 1.5 to 2 calories per minute.
  • Most of the above calories are spent in the processes meant to sustain life. A person confined to bed would also need at least 80% of the above calories to sustain life.
  • When the rate of calorie burning increases the body releases lactic acid or whatever it may be.


Some Good references



Science or logical thinking

  • High intensity exercises burn about 10 calories per minute (though I have doubts on this, but for argument sake I will not dispute this – it will be debated later in future posts).
  • An overweight person finds it difficult to do high intensity exercise for more than 5 t 10 minutes. Let us say 30 minutes (for argument sake).
  • Extra calories burnt would be (10-2) = 8 x 30 = 240 in 24 hours.
  • Now the person is fatigued. Tired. What does it mean?
  • Fatigue means that life processes (heart, brain, kidneys, liver and other essential life processes) are not getting enough energy to sustain.
  • Through fatigue the body lowers the calorie burning rate of these life processes to compensate for extra calories burnt.
  • So you are advised to do stretches are high intensity exercises. But do they help – There are serious doubts. The facts and figures say that these stretches harm the body in the long run.
  • Now if you start burning 1.75 calories per minute after getting tired – you are recover 1410 x 0.25 calories in rest of the day. That is 352 calories. So what is the point in doing the exercise.
  • But most of the people would lose weight initially. That is the point where the lactic acid or other acid production is not too much to lower the basic (idle) calorie burning. As the days go by the build of acid increase.
  • Any way – what have been doing during exercise? We are dehydrating at a pace more then we are hydrating ourselves. This is uneven dehydration. There are certain organs involved in the above exercises. They dehydrate at a faster pace then rest of the body. Acids try to balance this uneven dehydration in the body through acid production.



What you can do verify the above statements

  • I am not focused to write much on this at this point of time. Will add more to this later. SO keep coming back to this web site section. At this point only point comes to my mind.
  • Immediately after you engage in high intensity exercise, do you bed and try to sleep. You breath will get to normal or below normal in few minutes. And after few minutes (30 minutes) you will have no desire to go to for another round of high intensity exercises.
  • Now after walking for 5 to 10 minutes as suggested by me, while you are in bed, you breath for the whole period of 30 minutes at a faster pace. And you love the idea of doing the same again. That means your body is in a mood to burn more calories.
  • Whenever you burn extra calories you dehydrate at a faster pace. That does not mean that you should keep drinking water all the time. You can lose weight only if you dehydrate. But these dehydration should be evenly spread through out the body do that this dehydration is not severe on one organ.
  • Excessive dehydration is fatal to the organs. So go for drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water once in a week. Rest of the days you should manage without 200 ml water 1 hour before each meal. That translates into 600 ml water in 24 hours.



What does the above means

  • Walking for 10 minutes burns extra calories during the period you walk.
  • While you are in bed it keeps burning extra calories and tries to seek high idle metabolic rate. Meaning that you calorie burning per minute will be 2.1 or higher for the entire day (if you can spread these exercises through out the day. Do these exercises 2-4 times during the day.
  • 2-4 times the above routines may result into 3 to 5 kg weight lose per day.


Feedback is most important thing


I do not mean to claim supremacy on any one. So please let me know if anyone has  different views or experience any serious side effects of the above on –


Email: rajinder.bhalla@gmail.com or Mobile – +91-11-9971730965

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