One Cure for All Diseases

Acidity, Acid Reflux, GERD

Acidity is very easy to Cure

I had Mouth ulcer a number of times in my life. About 8-10 years back every thing in my life seemed to be going wrong way. My health was deteriorating every day.

Finally I had severe acidity for more than 6 months. My ulcers will not go away. I could not eat spicy food at all. My life became miserable. I would do nothing except thinking – how can I manage my acidity?

Finally when I started experimenting with dehydration. My acidity disappeared. Now at the age of 51 years I can eat anything in any quantity that can cause acidity, GERD and acid reflux. I can eat 1 kg oil soaked pakoras in one day, drink plenty of water with pakoras or after pakoras. I am open to almost all challenges that may come my way. It has to be reasonable keeping in view my health. Off course I can not eat 5 kg of any thing. I am a small frame person.

Any person with acidity should practice restricting (stopping) all kinds of fluids for upto 24 hours every week.

Before trying dehydration, I tried all types of medicines, injections, eno etc. Nothing worked.

There is logic and reason behind all this. Acidity is caused due to lack of acids in the body and not the other way. By dehydration we increase the acid levels of the body and hence get complete relief.

For logic and reasoning read other pages. Sinus, Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar.

Simple guidance to manage acidity –

After a gap of 1 day repeat the above steps.

Within 1 month you will have absolute control over your health.