One Cure for All Diseases

Celiac Cure First Case

Celiac Cure First Case

Brief details of the Patient

Age 29 years. Diagnosed about 4 years back. He had undergone Biopsy test to establish Celiac. His Hb had dropped to 5 and was in ICU for more than 10 days. Reported rapid loss of weight. He used to drink more than 1 litre milk in childhood. After detection of celiac also he was drinking about 500 to 800 ml milk every day. After hospitalisation he gave up wheat and gluten products completely. By Oct 2014 his pulse rate and Blood pressure increased. He was generally low on energy and tired. He had leg cramps and pains. His food intake had dropped considerably over the period. His ttg test score in June 2014 was 53 when his gluten intake was negligible. Had problem in focusing during day light. Had problems in ears as well as if there is some kind of glue in ears.

In June 2014, my father was diagnosed with Sepsis with encephalopathy. He also had acute chronic kidney disease stage 5 with Seizures, high blood pressure, severe constipation since last 1 year or so and on medication for more than 25 years. Doctors opined that my father will not survive for long. He had multiple organ failure during his hospital stay in June 2014. I had experimented with fluid management for sinus, cold and cough for a long time. I was not given much details of the medical condition of my father. I was not told about sepsis etc. All I could see was accumulation of cough in lungs. After repeated reports of doctors that he will not survive for more than 1-3 months, I decided to use my old fluid management theories. And it worked. He recovered completely from all organ failures in about 45 days. He returned to complete healthy condition with all normal functions and movements restored. He was on his own much before 45 days.

In last week of Oct 2014 I started looking at the reason of his recovery.

I contacted the gentleman and explained everything. He was educated with Chemistry (Hons.) and could see the logic himself. After few hours of study on internet, he decided to take the plunge.

Day 1

Step 1 – He took 3-3.5 litres of water a day. This was divided into 12 portions. So he took 200 ml to 300 ml water 10 to 12 times a day at equal intervals of 1 hour.

Step 2 – He stopped drinking milk completely.

Step 3 – He stopped eating fruits in the breakfast.

Day 2

No water intake. No other liquid intake.

Most Important

Before starting the above water routines, it is suggested to give up all tea, coffee and other caffeine products. Caffeine interferes with the fluid regulations in the body and hence there is little chance that the positive results can be seen immediately. The withdrawal symptoms of tea etc remain for 3 to 7 days. So for 3 to 7 days one will have to tolerate head aches and body aches.

The Results

Within 6 days his blood pressure and pulse rate dropped and was within 120/80 with pulse rate 80. His energy levels were up. The gas was missing. His stool movement was smooth and perfect. His food intake increased by 200%. His ears felt better. His eyes could now focus better.

His ttg test score in last week of Nov 2014 was 38 when his gluten intake was much higher. Before undertaking the blood test he had 4 complete meals of wheat and gluten. This was good indication.

During the month of Dec 2014 he was on wheat diet. All 3 meals in the day. He felt better with lot of energy and higher food intake. Even with much higher food intake his weight had dropped by about 2-3 kg.

ttg test on 08.01.2015

The ttg test score was 50.8. Rather disappointing score. However this was with 4 weeks of wheat with gluten all three meals every day. The food intake was at least 3 times of the meal in Nov 2014 when the above water routines were introduced. Except for the score there is no negative thing that has happened. Energy level, stool movement, digestion every thing is perfect.

The reasons for the poor performance

With so much going against the water routines, still there was no back tracking of the proress. The improvements stopped but there were no negative results inspite of so high gluten intake.

The further experiments stopped due to being busy in job. As and when the water routines and rest of the process starts I will post the results.