One Cure for All Diseases

Diabetes Type 2 Cure

Diabetes Type 2 Cure

Diabetes Type 2 Cure

Type 2 or type 2 diabetes is caused due to low blood volume caused due to drinking water on empty stomach or drinking too much water with meals Or drinking too much tea.


Do notsĀ 

By day 7 your blood sugar will be close to 120.

After 15 to 30 days your blood sugar may start going up. At this stage check your urine glucose. If there is no urine glucose, there is no need for any medicine.

Keep a tab on your energy levels. If your energy levels are up that means that blood sugar is going in your cells. The damage to organs start when the blood sugar stops going into your cells.

In case there is glucose in your urine, you may start the medicine again for few days (may be about 7 days) the moment your blood sugar starts going down stop the medicines immediately.

If you are not getting the desired results do get in touch with me. Call me at +91-9971730965
