One Cure for All Diseases


The visible symptoms of sinus is swelling, pain, inflammation and infection. In case of cold, sore throat, strep throat also swelling is there but to some extent less then it is visible in sinus.

Sinus, cold and sore throat usually happen in the following situations –

The reason

I used to answer on cold and cough, sinus questions on Yahoo Answers before my account was deleted

The Cure – Swelling

If on average you drink 6 to 8 cups of water and other fluids taken together, in 24 hours you may try the following-

If you drink very less water and other fluids first drink 50 ml of water every 30 minutes for 2-3 days and then try the first option of giving up water for 24 hours.

  1. The reduced swelling will give immediate relief from pain and inflammation. It will make it much more easier to eliminate the cough thru nose without any pain.
  2. That will also improve the blood acid levels and minerals. This forces changes at the cell level as well. Blood acid levels are the first line of defense against the infections. So infection will also be taken care of.

So it has already given u long term relief from sinus. But in some cases one may get sinus during next change of season and may have to do this again. With a little practice the period of dehydration can be increased to 48 hours. That will give complete relief from chronic sinus. This will also improve the immunity of the body in general. See AIDS section for this. The 48 hours restrictions on water will remove old blue prints of the bacteria and viruses from the body and provide much needed boost to our immune system.

The reason is during change of season the body must adjust the water that is stored in the body. Due to some cell level changes the ability of the body to bring those changes is lost. But after 2-3 seasons that ability of the body will be restored and there will be complete relief from sinus.

There is one more thing that will ensure that u never get sinus or cold again in your life.

Those who drink 2-3 glasses of water in 24 hours for a long time and that too with meals, should not try the above. They should first drink 8 to 10 glasses of water for 3-4 days to improve their hydration levels of the body. After 3-4 days they can try to give up water and all other fluids for 24 hours.

Later drink 1 glass of water 1 hour before each meal. No other water or liquids on 4-5 days in a week. So on these days you do not exceed 3 glasses of water in 24 hours.

On rest 2-3 days do whatever u feel like.

The above works for sinus, cold, running nose, sore throat and strep throat, when the throat is hurting, All types of headache and lot of other conditions.

 It works for all digestive problems as well. The digestive problems that it cures are – IBS, constipation, stomach cramps, GERD, Acid reflux etc. Due to restrictions on length of answer I am not giving the reasons for the same.

Logically it should cure asthma as well. But one has to be more cautious while trying this out for asthma cure. One may start with 12 hour water fast period. I do not have experience on this. But the logic on which the theory is built up supports it.