One Cure for All Diseases

Weight Loss Blog 2016-04-07

Weight Loss Blog 2016-04-07

Weight Loss Blog 2016-04-07

Today morning my weight was 77.5 kg. I have been drinking more than 3.5 litres of water for last 3 days. I would like to blame the weight gain on water.

That was no improvement in weight over last 2 days. Rather I gained more than 500 grams. It was taking much longer to burn the water that I was drinking. On average I was taking more than 1 hour to burn the water that I was drinking. Same with the food. I was taking much longer t burn the food. There were muscle cramps as well.

So today I am going to stay without water and see how fast I lose weight.

Something wrong with Google Fit last night. Google Fit did not record the movements for almost 3 hours. So based on my estimates I will add the steps of 4000 to todays walking. That is about 2.2 kms of distance.

I hope to break the barrier of 76 kg today.

Target Google Fit Data

Distance 12 kms

Calories 2500 or more

Time 150 Minutes

Steps 18000

Google Fit Data Achieved

Distance 11.3 kms

Calories 2225

Time 210 minutes

Steps 19000

Weight at 75.9 kg. Met the target.

Drank 5 glasses or more of fluids in the evening. Muscle cramps causing a concern.

Changes for today

Inspite of reduced fluid intake most of the time yesterday the urine output was more than what it was in last 4 days with 3.5 litres of water intake. So today’s target is 2 litres water intake mainly in the first half of the day.

Target weight for tomorrow

75.5 kg. I will try to see a weight of less then 75 kg by 9.4.16.

One important conclusion from experiments done over last 7 days

Urine and thirst are the concerns of diabetic. Inspite of water intake of 3500 ml to 4000 ml urine output was not more than 500 ml. So that means diabetes can be cured in less then 24 hours with this routine.