One Cure for All Diseases

What can be the permanent cure of mouth ulcers

What can be the permanent cure of mouth ulcers

What can be the permanent cure of mouth ulcers

If you are drinking more than 2 liters of water every day than you can get relief from mouth ulcers in 18 hours by not drinking any fluids.

For long term and permanent relief from mouth ulcers do hydration / dehydration cycles every 15 days for 3 months.

For details on hydration / dehydration cycles read my blog. In brief hydration cycles consists of –

day 1 – Drink 100 ml water every 1 hour from 7 am to 6 pm

Day 2 – no water or other fluid intake.

Day 3,4,5,6 – Drink 150–200 ml water 1 hour before each meal. Total water intake 500 ml in a day.

Repeat the above for 2 weeks.

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