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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome – When you finish reading this page you would be 100% convinced that you can cure your IBS.

Without understanding the underlying mechanism of IBS – There is zero possibility of curing IBS.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome – This question can be answered in various ways.

  1. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be answered by examining each process of the digestive system in detail.
  2. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be answered by listing out the symptoms.
  3. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be answered by detailing – what conditions of the digestive system are seen in people suffering from IBS.

Most of the web sites and medicine literature on the subject will approach the subject – What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome – by taking 2 and 3 approach.

This is faulty approach. That is the reason that people suffering from metabolic syndrome are extremely frustrated and they feel their life has meaningless.

What are various processes that take place during digestion – 

  1. We chew the food in mouth. The most important part in chewing the food is to mix saliva with the food. Lot of people will talk about chewing food 32 times for each bite. That does not carry any meaning. If there is no saliva in mouth or very little saliva in mouth, chewing the food will not add enough saliva with the food. So there should be lot of saliva in mouth. If there is lot of saliva in mouth then there is no need to chew the food 32 times. Even 3-4 chewing actions are enough. To increase your saliva 10 times click here.
  2. Then food is delivered to the food pipe to be delivered to stomach. The chances of things going wrong here are minimum. The only problem that can be faced here is lack of control of the valve at the end food pipe. If the muscles of the valve are not strong enough the valve will open involuntarily releasing the acidic gases from the stomach. Some people take pride in burping after eating food. Some people gives various names to the burps and glorify them. All burps are indication of poor health. So if you want to get rid of the burping click here.
  3. When we eat food, the stomach acids are produced. The entire process of movement of stomach acids for digestion is energy intensive. How much stomach acids are produced in stomach, will decide how good is your digestion. To understand the factors that affect the production of stomach acids click here.
  4. Next step in the digestive process is mixing of the enzymes and stomach acids. For this the stomach moves 3-4 times in a minute. These movements consume lot of energy. The lack of energy for the movement of stomach acids for digestion and lack of energy for stomach movements cause indigestion. That is the main problem in IBS. In fact that defines What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  5. Next is the movement of the movement of the well formed and consistent paste to the small intestines. There are movements in the small intestines as well which propels the food further. That requires lot of energy. The food is also needed to be broken down by bacteria. There could be lack of bacteria or slow break down by bacteria. Click here to understand how can you make the bacteria do more for digestion.
  6. Next food is transferred to large intestines. There are movements in the large intestines as well. These movements also need lot of energy. Large intestine reabsorbs excess fluids and minerals in the food. In case of IBS you will have mucus and loose stool. Click here to understand how can you make the large intestines absorb more fluids and minerals and improve the health.
  7. It is very common for People suffering from IBS to have fissures or piles as well. Click here to understand what causes these fissures and piles.

What you should expect by following the suggestions


Meal and water drinking time

Day 1 to Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Eat 2 meals at 10 am and 6 pm with 1 glass of water each.

Repeat these 7 days for 21 days.

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