One Cure for All Diseases

Bed Wetting Cure

Doctors will run away from any Discussion on the subject

I have been on facebook for last 3-4 years now. I have written to many doctors about the bed wetting cure but no one has commented and looked into the same seriously.

In the beginning when I posted the bed wetting cure, a doctor (Indian) from USA asked me not to mislead public that the medicines for bed wetting are bad and have serious side effects. He said the medicines have been around for very long time and are perfectly safe. He dared me to search internet for the medicine.

I spent next 2 hours searching internet for the medicine. I found that the medicine was responsible for –

My school mate is a Pediatricians

So I shared my experiences with him. Asked him to give comments. I followed up a number of times during last 3-4 years. He was always busy and never able to look into health concerns of the children.

I have not received his comments till date. I did not ask for discussion on the subject but only a comment whether he thinks that I could be wrong some where.

Stop trusting the medical community


How much more time you wanted to give the science. You may like to read at –

My suggested bed wetting cure was promptly deleted by wikipedia experts saying that it is not credible.

After that I questioned the credibility of the information available at wikipedia article by making  the changes in wikipedia article. Following is copied from the above link –

I gave a credible link which is USA govt authority which contradicted the first finding (by a not so credible authority, may be sponsored by pharma cos involved in selling the drugs using ADH).

Both the links are visible at wikipedia article. None has been deleted. Wikipedia is not taking any stand. It has been almost 2 years now.

I have squarely blamed FDA for last 3 years. So many articles are available on my web site. FDA has not woken up. Retweet this article to wake up FDA so that FDA can really do something about it.

How much more time you want to give medical establishment.

I am really tired of all this.