One Cure for All Diseases

Bed Wetting Cure Best option

Bed Wetting Cure Best option

Bed Wetting Cure Best option – The earlier option was to drink lot of water (if the child was dehydrated and there was severe imbalance in the body).

Bed Wetting Cure Best option
Bed Wetting Cure Best option

If the water intake was very high in case of any child, the earlier recommendation was to add 1 pinch of salt 3-4 times in the water. That ensured the required reduction in fluid intake. In some cases there could be repetition of bed wetting in next season.

Now I feel that too much salt is something parents will not be comfortable with.

It was sort of permanent cure but does not seem to be best option.

The best option is –

To drink water 50 to 100 ml every 30 minutes for 3-4 days

or in case of a child who drinks too much water – 1 pinch of salt should be added for 3-4 days. Once the water intake is reduced, the child should practice the water routine mentioned on Home page.