One Cure for All Diseases

How to Score 100% Marks in exams

Why Children are Treated Worse then Jail Convicts


There are 24 hours in a day. A healthy Child should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep for Good Health.


Are children getting 8 hours of sound sleep these days.


I do not think so.


Children in Metros



How much time a child has when he can do whatever he feels like.


Do not you think that a jail convict gets a better deal?


Is there is way?


I think so. Read on.


Education system is killing children. Most of the diseases can be traced to the mad rush caused by the present education system.


How to Score 100% Marks in exams


My children (A son and a daughter) were not doing well in studies. My son was getting around 50-60% marks. During one Parent Teacher Meet I checked the Exam papers of my son and found that he has been marked too generously. May be because my wife was a teacher in that school.


During this period I had spent some time on internet trying to understand the working of the brain. I was influenced by one theory on learning. That was –


A person cannot concentrate for more than 40 minutes in 24 hours.


I wondered why we go to school for more than 6 hours a day when we cannot concentrate for more than 40 minutes in a day. And we (parents as well as teachers) expect the children to concentrate for more all those 6 hours. That is utter cruelty towards the children.


Second point – Someone wondered – how is it that during an international cricket match a batsman bats for more than 8 hours without losing his concentration.


Answer – The batsman practices to get into peak concentration when the bowler throws the ball and relaxes immediately after having played the ball. That way the batsman concentrates only for 1-2 seconds for each ball. That means he can play 30 x 8 = 240 balls in 8 hours with peak concentration. That is about 40 over.  During the day total over are split into 2 batsman and one does not get to play for more than 240 balls.


Third point was about deep memory zone – It takes minimum of 8 seconds for each fraction of information to be stored in deep memory zone. I did not understand this part well.


Fourth Point was – Just like physical activities (running, playing sports etc) the brain also gets tired and requires practice to build up stamina.


My Son


My son was in class 8 when I got the honours to take charge of his marks in exams for the first time. I found that he was horrible in studies not knowing simple things which a class 4 student should know.First 2 days I felt very impatient and frustrated. But I had more than 15 days to give a try.


Third day on – My son and I was at home. At 10 am I told my son to start his maths book. A chapter which was not covered in school. I told him that I will not help him explaining the chapter. I told him that he can do either of 3 things during the day. Study, sleep and eat. No restrictions on what he chooses out of these. After every 1-2 lines I used to ask him to take a break of 15-20 minutes. He was extremely impatient. He kept telling me that I must be mad that I expect him to do his maths on this own. He had never done anything like that so far. He never knew that he is capable of doing anything in his life.


And believe me that it is the thing that our parents and teachers tell children every day 100s of times in a day. That a student is useless and he is not capable of doing anything on this own. This is nothing but cruelty and terror by parents and teacher. This is the worst that our education system could have done for year after year.


I just told my son that he has no targets for the day. Even if he is not able to understand one illustration given in that maths chapter, I will not blame him but myself for that.

And by end of day my son could do one illustration. But I found that he was extremely happy and excited. I had promised him that on day 2 he will have entire day to himself and he can do whatever he wanted.


But my son chose to study. He did not go out. The reason – My son enjoyed doing things on his own and that gave him immense pleasure. That is what  every child seeks. He was quite slow in first 7 to 10 days. But I never told him that I expected more from him. After 15 days he was faster than me. He was happy. He was enjoying playing as well as studies for the first time in his life. I played no roll in his studies except watching him study and be happy. He finished his whole maths book in 2 months (that was 2 terms’ syllabus).


There was still one month to go for his exams. Now came his exams. I took him outdoor to play badminton. I did not allow him to study maths at all. And he got 94% marks in his maths exam. Much better performance in other subjects. He was too happy and confident.


He did exceeding well in his 3rd term and 9th class.


But parents are parents. My wife forced him to enroll for tuition classes. Inspite of my extreme resistance to the idea of tuition my wife sent my son for tuition classes. 3 months into tuition and he got 0% marks in his maths exams. Now my wife was terrified. But damage was done by that time.


There were ups and downs in his studies.


12th Class – All my son wanted was partying with his girl friends and roaming around. He lost his balance of judgment. The session started and he fell ill. He had jaundice. My son did not go to school for 2 months. No studies at home either. He was not good in class 11. Most of the studies of class 12 needed strong understanding of subjects taught in class 11. And he was almost zero in subjects covered in class 11. First term exams were big disappointment. All my son could think of was tuition classes to tide over all his problems. He did not want me to help him in his studies. He would say that class 8 and class 12 studies are different and the principles used in class 8 won’t apply to class 12.


I disagreed strongly. I had no interest in marks. Education was always the main focus point for me. I did not want him to secure good marks at all. But my son’s only focus was getting admission in regular college so that he could find more girl friends.


My son prevailed upon my wife to get 2 home tutors. My son tried telling me every day how good his tutor was. And all I could see was a very bad tutor. The home tuition classes were pretty expensive. It was his 3rd day into tuitions. After his tutor went away again he came to impress me. I gave him a challenge that I will ask him 3 very basic things on the chapter that his tutor had tutored him for last 2 hours. And if he fails to answer any of the questions then I will call off his tuitions. He agreed with confidence.


And he failed in all 3 questions. But these were extremely basic things. No complexities. He was totally confused. He was shocked. And I lost no time in calling the tutor and telling him that we do not need him any more and his money will be sent to him and he need not come to collect his money. My son had only 3 months to go and he had to cover 2 years of lost studies.


For next 3 days my son could not come to terms that he will have to study on his own without any help. But he started. And in next 1 month he was on track. I just kept telling him that there is more than enough time and he need not worry about results.


I told my son that in case he gets less than 95% in any subject I will take the entire blame on me and I will never ever give him any guidelines about anything that he would want to do in his life. I was so sure.


In India the board exams start in first week of March. My son got typhoid on 1st Feb. The fever was 105 and more. There was no way he could study even for 1 minute in the entire day. My son recovered from typhoid by 20th Feb. Again he was feeling helpless. He had lost very important period for his exams. Yet he started. I encouraged him. I still took the challenge that he will get 95% marks in each paper.


His first paper was on Economics. After my son came back from exam I spoke to him about exams for 5 minutes and told him that he will get more than 95%. He felt very happy and started exercises (skipping for more than 2 hours in next 6 hours). I kept telling him to take it easy since he recovered from typhoid few days back. He did not listen to all that. By 7 PM he had 104 degree fever. We were shocked. My wife panicked and gave huge doses of medicines. Next 3 days he could not study anything. My son decided that he will skip the exams. On day 4 he recovered from his fever but was very weak. I persuaded him not to miss one year and give it a try. In case he does not get good marks, he can always repeat the year.


Finally he gave all the papers and got 88% marks. I was happy that he got 95% in his first paper and my promise to him was reasonably fulfilled. And the most important thing for my son – He got admission in a regular college.


My Daughter


My Daughter is 3 years younger. She was poor in studies. She used to get only 50-60% marks with the added advantage of my wife being teacher in the same school. When she was in class 11 she said that she also wants to join regular college. I was never keen on formal education. But I never wanted her to feel that she could not do something in life.


I told my daughter that she should do the same way in studies as my son had done. But on day 1 she chose to disagree with my methods of studies. I let her choose her own methods and withdrew.


8 months later she realized that she is not doing well enough. She spoke to me that she wanted to join tuition. My daughter said that there is no way that I can help her. But now I had 2 persons talking in my favour – my son and my wife. So my daughter agreed for taking my help in studies.


I started the same way I did 8 months back. She was almost crying for the first 5 days. My daughter said that there is hardly any time and exams are round the corner. My daughter’s argument was that I should not insist on doing things which had no chance of coming in exams. But as usual I took all responsibility for marks. 3 months later my daughter was happy with her results.


But most important – she was extremely confident and happy that my theory is right.


Now I had 1 full year for her to prepare for her exams. That is too much time to make a child mentally ill. I revised her target to 99% marks. I was not keen on 100% marks for English subject. But I wanted to target 100% marks in all other 4 subjects.


To keep the life easy I asked my daughter not to attend schools. To take off from school frequently. I asked her to join sports. I enrolled her for dance classes. The focus was that she should get mentally sick of studies. She was never allowed to study for more than 2—3 hours per day. And at least 2 days off in a week from studies completely.





The most important thing in scoring 1o0% marks is getting used to 100% mentally. A person knows in his head that he is so close to 100% marks. That causes too much anxiety in the mind of the person. I had told this part to my daughter and asked her to get used to 100% marks by making all out effort in pre-board exams. And my daughter gave pre-board exams without studying even for one hour. She was mentally troubled by the feeling of being so close to 100% marks in all the subjects for more than 1-2 months before her final board exams.


I think not bad performance for me or my daughter.


Do you think I will fail in my next target?


I want to make this world free of all diseases. I do not want to use any medicines or exercises for perfect health. I want to achieve to achieve this target in next 5 years.


How I intend to achieve my next target?


I want to reach out to 2 persons every month. I want these 2 persons to try my health theory given on my home page on this web site. I want these 2 persons to give the feedback on regular basis on my web site.


If they get the desired results, I want them to –


There is way more, people can do by reaching out to my web site.




I did not use the methods listed on this web site. I am not intelligent at all. I am below average person. I was too old for studies by the time I started thinking on these lines.


Just image what you can do after reading my web site. All of you are going to be much more capable then me.


Recap – How to get 100% marks in exams