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Vitamin D Toxicity

Vitamin D Toxicity

Vitamin D Toxicity – TOO MUCH VITAMIN D IS BAD 

While being vitamin D deficient is a problem, there are disadvantages of too much vitamin D as well. An excess may cause health problems such as dehydration, vomiting, kidney damage and kidney stones.

That is the reason that outdoor sports player often get kidney stones at an early age.

In fact too much Vitamin D also leads to osteoporosis as well.

Though it has already been accepted that supplements are causing increase in cancer and heart disesaes in scientific conferences, but still excess of vitamin D is said to be rare. Body will absorb Vitamin D when it must. And that will be from food that we eat.

I doubt whether any lab tests have any meaning. I personally know a person who stopped taking Vitamin D and in next blood test his vitamin D was through the sky.

Vitamin D Toxicity