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What causes bad breath even after brushing

What causes bad breath even after brushing

What causes bad breath even after brushing

Bad Breath is caused due to lack of saliva. Food particles get stuck in saliva. These food particles ferment and cause bad breath.

Lack of saliva is caused due to drinking excess fluids. The invent of water bottles and so much gyan on internet about benefits of drinking lots of water has made the world very sick.

Thirst is no signal of hydration needs of the body. Watch my video to understand the thirst system of our body.

Brushing removes the left over food particles. Natural way of removing the food particles is gulping action. If we have sufficient saliva in our mouth, we keep gulping the excess saliva all day. With each gulping action the left over food particles go to our stomach.

Tooth paste has –

Tooth paste does not have a thing which is good for health. So tooth paste companies keep adding neem, salt and what not to the tooth paste.

Brushing immediately after a meal is worst thing that a person should do. We eat food for the taste of the food. Tooth paste blunts all tastes in the mouth.

Hydration dehydration cycles are best bet to achieve right hydration. No doctor no scientist will ever be able to come out with a formula for optimum hydration even in next trillion years.

For details about hydration dehydration cycles click here

Besides increase in saliva the main thing is increased blood circulation. To increase blood circulation and energy levels one should also do walk and rest routines. Click here for details of the same.

Some other health conditions that cause bad breath are –