How dangerous is tea
- Tea has zero calories.
- Most of people around the world drink tea when they feel low on energy.
- Tea provides instantaneous alertness and energy.
- The calories in milk and sugar that goes into tea does not have in themselves enough to provide that instantaneous energy and alertness.
- All other stimulants like alcohol, drugs etc. have high calorie value in them to provide that extra energy.
- On average a person eats about 2000 to 2500 calories a day.
- There are 1440 minutes in 24 hours.
- That is about 1.5 calories a minute is required. Almost all of this calorie is needed to run the internal organs and systems like brain, heart, kidney, liver, blood pressure, body temperature, digestion etc.
- In 24 hours a person may spend about 50 to 500 calories in external activities like walking, running, exercise, sports etc.
Based on above we can conclude that when a person gets up in the morning the level of energy in his body is constant. If a person feels low on energy in the morning, that is an indication that his entire energy is channelised to run his internal organs and systems.
Why Tea is Dangerous for the Human body
- By drinking tea the body does not get extra energy since there is no calories in tea.
- The body simple diverts the existing energy that is used for internal organs and internal systems to external activities.
- That would mean that tea makes less energy available for internal vital organs.
- That would mean that our vital organs will work at reduced energy levels.
- From this one can conclude that tea causes metabolic syndrome.
- Metabolic syndrome is responsible for Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Heart ailments, Stroke, Constipation and every other disease.
Why there is often news that tea is good for heart and for other things
- Check what is source of the news.
- Check the source of scientific study that is referred.
- Check the details of scientific studies.
- Send a RTI to Indian Council for Medical Research to get a copy of the original research.
You are most likely to face the wall. There is no serious long term scientific study on the effects of tea consumption.
I made some efforts for collecting the data on the effects of tea consumption. You may see the results of the scientific research at the this link.