Dialysis is required to be done when kidneys are not able to clean the blood properly. In a healthy person kidneys would work intelligently eliminating the toxins and preserving the vitamins and minerals which are in short supply in the body.
It seems to be common sense that kidneys work with the help of some minerals, hormones, vitamins and other chemicals which keep the filter clean and healthy. The only reason for improper working of the kidneys could be poor maintenance of kidneys due to some shortages or excesses in other parts of the body. Had it been the changes in the blood the same would have been cleaned in the dialysis process permanently. The fact that the kidneys are not able to do its normal function means that there are some fundamental changes that have taken place in kidneys.
These changes could be caused only due to things present in the blood or excretions over a long period of time.
Let us assume that 100 things in our body the health of kidneys. Some of these things could be in excess and some could be in short supply.
In the process of dialysis the wastes and toxins are removed from the body. But the things which are in short supply are not effected in any manner.
Now the same life process can be used here as well.
Day 1 regulate the water intake by splitting the daily water allowance in 10-12 portions and taking the water at fixed time intervals of 1 hour. In case of kidney patients the per day water allowance is usually 1000 to 1500 ml. This will take care of all the excess in the body and blood.
Day 2 give up the water intake completely. That way the average water intake shall be 500 to 750 ml.
This process will correct the imbalances in the body in 48 hours to a very large extent.
I do not see any reason for this water routine not to work in every case with 80% accuracy.
Dialysis process do take care of excesses to some extent. But the only reason of some excess seems to be some shortages in the body.
I hope to get some results in next few days. I hope for positive results.
My father aged 80 years was 5 stage chronic kidney patient for more than 5 years. He was also diagnosed with initial stage prostate cancer. In last 4 months he seems to have recovered from all kidney issues.
After all this ailment is also caused due to inflammation of kidneys. In this case also the inflammation of kidneys is much less then inflammation in case of sepsis.