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Did Rajiv Dixit suffer from Diabetes

Did Rajiv Dixit suffer from Diabetes

Did Rajiv Dixit suffer from Diabetes

Within few hours after the death of Rajiv Dixit Mr. Ramdev made statements that Rajiv Dixit suffered from Diabetes and High Blood pressure. There is a video on youtube in which Ramdev is seen making these statements.

But Ramdev never gave details what caused Rajiv Dixit Diabetes when he was following ayurved and the suggestions of Ramdev.

I found one video wherein lot of controversies relating to Rajiv Dixit are discussed. Link to the video is –

Then there is this articles which says that Ramdev did mention that Rajiv Dixit had all the conditions – Diabetes, BP and heart disease – Link to the article –

And then there is video by his friend – 

He points out lot of controversies in the death of Rajiv Dixit.