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Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

Skin care options are –


Oils, Creams and Moisturizers


and Threading


Oils, Creams and Moisturizers

All moisturizers, creams and oils are muscle relaxants. It is important to understand how the muscle relaxants work.


I would like to share the experience with my daughter.


M daughter was in school basketball team till 10th standard. During this period she developed severe skin tanning. Her skin complexion changed very significantly.


Due to growing age she may have become more inclined to use of cream soaps and cosmetics during this period. Due to extreme sun tanning of the skin, she increased her use of Dove soap which claims to have 30% creams for softer skin.


For next 15 months she tried every home remedy, fair and lovely and other creams on the market, changes in her diet, but could not get even 1% benefit in her skin tanning.


One day I decided to search out on internet about the side effects of every ingredient in the Dove soap. Initially I noticed that there were 5-6 ingredients with suffix acid in the list.


Anyway I found that every ingredient had some side effect if applied in different proportions in a soap.


I also found that most of the creams are muscle relaxants.


All I could understand from the word relaxant was that it stops the muscles from doing normal / natural defence procedures. In medicines (allopathy) muscle relaxants are given when natural pain stimulus of the body does not respond to any medicine and pain causing injury can not be healed within reasonable time.


So any cream would cause the skin cells not to shrink to save the inner layers of the skin from the harmful rays and other external matters.


That means that moisturizers and oils relax the muscles and in case the skin is exposed to sun while wearing these oils, it will cause deeper damage to the inner layers of the skin.


I suggested my daughter to stop using all soaps for at least 15 days.


Since my daughter was tired of trying every thing for last 15 months she agreed.


Within 7 days one of her friend asked her what she was using. That meant there was improvement in the skin condition.


Since that day she does not use any moisturizer or cream based soaps. It has been more than 6-7 years now and her skin has completely recovered.


For last 3-4 months I am trying some more experiments with skin hydration/ dehydration cycles. My daughter had some dark eye circles which have improved significantly during this period.


Based on various experiments I had with skin, I had some tips to offer for Facials and Threading. Click on the links to read more about these.