Vitamins Mineral Supplements cancer heart disease

Vitamins Mineral Supplements cancer heart disease Why these supplements cause cancer and Heart Disease? Body needs every vitamin and mineral in the correct ratio in the body. Drinking water and dehydration at proper intervals is the key to perfect health. One can read the home page of this web site to understand why drinking water and dehydration is the key to perfectly balance minerals and...

Cancer and Heart Disease

Today (26 April 2015) I filed the following RTI with Indian Coucil for Medical Reasearch. What do you think how fast ICMR) will reply to this RTI. Does ICMR really know how things are happening at various levels. "Brief Facts prompting his RTI - Cancer and Heart Diseases American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2015 says that its research spread over last 20 years suggests...