Blood Pressure Cured without medicines

Blood Pressure Cured without medicines Blood Pressure Cured without medicines Almost 1/4 of the adult population of the world today from suffers from high Blood Pressure. Blood pressure medicines cause tiredness. Most of the people do not want to take blood pressure medicines. But then there is no known and authentic cure of Blood Pressure without medicines. One cure for all Disease provides...

Hiccups Acidity Cured Within 6 days

Hiccups Acidity Cured Within 6 days Hiccups Acidity Cured Within 6 days A patient called on 24.06.2020. He said that he has been suffering from acidity and hiccups for last 7 years. He said that he has been to Allopaths, Ayurved Doctors and homeopaths during this period of 7 years. That he under went all kinds of diagnostic tests. Took all prescribed medicines. He said that first time he got...

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome - When you finish reading this page you would be 100% convinced that you can cure your IBS. Without understanding the underlying mechanism of IBS - There is zero possibility of curing IBS. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome - This question can be answered in various ways. What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be answered by examining...

Increase saliva – Stay protected from corona virus

Increase saliva Increase saliva Today saliva is a hot topic. Corona has been linked with dry mouth and dry cough. Every body wants to increase saliva to increase the immunity and stay protected from corona virus. The most shocking thing is that every chronic disease is caused due to dry mouth. I made a partial list of 40 chronic diseases in which patients experience dry mouth. But there is no...

Hair fall cause and treatment

Hair fall cause and treatment Hair fall cause and treatment Hair fall and loss of hair is increasing day by day. Currently more than 2/3 adults having significant hair loss by the age 35. And by age 50 almost 85% of the people have thin hair and very substantial loss of hair. This is very distressing and indicates decline in over all health of the people on this earth. The scientists are busy in...

Dandruff cause and treatment

Dandruff cause and treatment Dandruff cause and treatment Dandruff is white or yellow flakes that that keeps coming off the scalp and hair. Almost 50% of all adults suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. That is making all these people to shift to shampoos and conditioners. But all these things are making the life miserable. Dandruff is prevalent in 50% of the adults. Dandruff trouble a...

How to increase immunity against Corona Virus

How to increase immunity against Corona Virus How to increase immunity against Corona Virus All chronic diseases have a common symptom - Dry Mouth and shortness of breath. These chronic diseases include :- Diabetes (High Blood Sugar), High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, AIDS, Constipation, Acidity, Migraine, Piles, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sinus, Fever, Hair Fall, Vaginal...

Thirst Mechanism and its importance

Thirst Mechanism and its importance Thirst Mechanism and its importance Routine to be followed for 1 day Eating and Drinking Drink 200 ml water with each meal (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). If you eat less than 3 roties, it should be 70 ml for each chapati that one eats. So person eating 2 chapatis should drink only 150 ml. Total three glasses of water a day with each meal. For example: (200 + 200 +...

Link between cold and cough and Irregular Periods

Link between cold and cough and Irregular Periods Link between cold and cough and Irregular Periods discussions with the patients it appeared that most of the diseases are part of the metabolic syndrome. Acidity is mainly due to low metabolic rate caused due to drinking excess fluids. There are more than 250 videos proving this point on my youtube channel. Today I got a call from a girl who first...

Link between Acidity and Irregular Periods

Link between Acidity and Irregular Periods Link between Acidity and Irregular Periods I have about 570+ videos on youtube which mainly consist of mobile recordings with the patients. During the course of discussions with the patients it appeared that most of the diseases are part of the metabolic syndrome. Acidity is mainly due to low metabolic rate caused due to drinking excess fluids. There are...