Asthma Cure
Today got following feedback from a person who used my water routine. He was intelligent.
“I was having allergic asthma very old at least 20 years.
From past 3 months I was feeling a sweat pain in kidney place and also at prostat glands place but after this adoption ALHAMDOLILLAH every thing seems to be normal only in two practicals.”
Those interested to speak to the person and check his medical records – please give your whatsapp mobile in comments.
More details at
Allopaths, ayurvedics and homeopaths are worse then quacks?
Health and immune system of a person is decided by quality and quantity of Blood. Whatever we eat and drink brings changes in our blood. Blood is the only thing that moves in our body.
There are 1000s of minerals, vitamins, chemicals and bio matters that determine the health of a person. The worst part is that all these minerals, vitamins etc are inter linked. The change in one of the minerals bring huge changes in rest of the things (minerals etc.). There is no scientific study of the relationship between these minerals and vitamins. In fact the most foolish thing is to try – to understand the relationship between these elements. As per simple mathematics taught in class 11 & 12 the combinations (possibilities) of these relationships is 1 followed by 1 lac zeroes. There is no super computer which is capable of calculating these relationships even in trillion trillion trillions years.
The possibilities of relationships in 128 element health system (if we assume that the total number of minerals, vitamins and molecules in human body are just 128) is 3.85 x 10 raised to the power 215. That is a very huge number to decipher even for a super computer. There is no possibility of making a super computer in next trillion years that can handle such a huge number.
Now think of 1000 or more health elements (minerals, vitamins etc). That is just a mad number.
And believe me – Allopaths, Ayurvedics and Homeopaths claim to decode such huge numbers. They must be very greedy people to cheat people with such numbers.
So what the 3 main medicines systems of the world are doing.
Allopathy, Ayurved and Homeopathy are keeping themselves busy in inventing new lies every day.
You may recall that 40-50 years back these so called scientists said that calcium supplementation will strengthen our bones. But later they said that calcium alone cannot strengthen the bones, we need vitamin D3 as well. Now it is accepted D3 and calcium do nothing for bones. What next???
The so called scientists are still waiting to invent the next trillion dollar lie.
What is the value of work done by these 3 medicines systems in last 1000 years – ZERO. Why?
Let us try to understand.
Take a glass of water. Add 1 spoon of salt to water. Taste the water. If salt is more, you will add some more water to adjust it to match your taste.
If you feel salt is less, you will reduce water.
But no person with common sense add sugar or some other substance to make it palatable.
Now there is 5000 ml blood (fluid) in the human body.
At any given point of time some of the above referred health elements are in excess and some are in shortage. It is next to impossible for a super computer to calculate what is in excess and what is in shortage.
But Kidneys can do this job without much fuss. The kidneys do this job without making any noise day in day out.
So to adjust the amount of any mineral in our blood, all that needs to be done is adjust the total amount of fluid in the body at any given point of time.
So the best course is to increase the water intake on Day 1 and stop drinking water on Day 2.
The above routine of Day 1 and Day 2 takes care of Life Style imbalances causes due to wrong choice of foods and medicines.
So life style Diseases will disappear with removal of imbalances of minerals and vitamins. And that is free of cost.
And all the other infections, dengue, swine flu and E bola are all due to imbalances of fluid in the body. All these require adjustment of fluids and minerals.
Recap the Solution
Day 1 – Drink 200 ml water every hour except the hour we take our meals. Normal meals to be taken on this day. Try to cut down on tea and other liquids. So water intake will be there from say 7 am to 10 pm.
Day 2 – No water or other fluids after 10 PM on day 1. So 10 PM on day 1 to 7 AM of Day 3 there will be no water or liquid intake. That is about 33 hours.
That will cure every disease on this earth.
This cure is better then allopathy, ayurved and homeopathy all put together by about 10 raised to the power 215 times. And that is such a huge number.
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