What are some health and food hacks that could be useful? What are some health and food hacks that could be useful? Hydration dehydration cycles walk and rest routines Intermittent Fasting with minimum water intake followed with normal food intake and normal water intake. Hydration dehydration cycles will help in balancing every mineral and walking and rest routines will increase the RMR which...
Calorie intake fitness and diet Calorie intake fitness and diet How many calories should an active working woman in her 20s consume? What vegetarian must-have foods are good suggestions for a well built woman? How many calories should an active working woman in her 20s consume? What vegetarian must-have foods are good suggestions for a well built woman? Calorie intake has no importance for...
If I eat 800 calories how many pounds will I lose? If I eat 800 calories how many pounds will I lose? A human body needs 1500 calories a day as Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). This is the minimum energy needed by body to maintain proper functioning of its vital organs. So if you intend to eat only 800 calories. Your vital organs will start malfunctioning and you will not be able to recover from...
What is a home treatment for skin hives? What is a home treatment for skin hives? The only permanent cure of skin hives is hydration dehydration cycles. Hydration dehydration cycles will help in balancing every mineral and walking and rest routines will increase the RMR which will help in permanent cure of mineral imbalance in the long run. Read my blog for more details and / Or watch my you tube...
Best treatment for recurrent mouth ulcers Best treatment for recurrent mouth ulcers What is the best treatment for recurrent "mouth-ulcers"? What is the best treatment for recurrent "mouth-ulcers"? The best treatment for mouth ulcers is hydration dehydratuon cycles. These balance the minerals in less then 48 hours. Hydration dehydration cycles will help in balancing every mineral and walking and...
Best Skin Care Tips Best Skin Care Tips What was your worst skincare mistake and how did you fix it? What was your worst skincare mistake and how did you fix it? I drank more than 10 bottles of Safi to get rid of Pimples. But it did not help and it screwed my health in irreversible way. My daughter had severe sun tanning at the age of 13. No creams and home remedies helped her. The reason was she...
Healthy Weight Loss Healthy Weight Loss I am trying to lose weight. I have reduced my food intake by 60%. How much water should I drink every day in view of reduced food intake? I am trying to lose weight. I have reduced my food intake by 60%. How much water should I drink every day in view of reduced food intake? The basic purpose of drinking water and other fluids is to balance the minerals in...
Healthy Fastest Weight Loss Healthy Fastest Weight Loss Human body is 75% water. So for healthy weight loss 75% water loss is needed. Is that correct? Human body is 75% water. So for healthy weight loss 75% water loss is needed. Is that correct? 10% of total Body fluids is blood. Rest of the fluid (90% of total fluid) is in cells and space in cells. There are minerals, vitamins, hormones,...
Fastest Healthy Weight Loss Fastest Healthy Weight Loss Neither diet nor exercise is important to get lean and fit. Nor drinking huge amount of water and other liquids in necessary. None of the theories hold good for more than 1% people. So it is easy to conclude all theories are nothing but manifestation of ego of experts. Let us look at some facts - Our body is 70% water. When a person starts...
eczema cure stories eczema cure stories In last 2 years I cured 10 patients of eczema. I followed up the patients for this duration. Eczema used to start again after 2 to 3 months but repeating the hydration dehydration it used to disappear in 2 days. After 6 months there was no reappearance of eczema. One Cure for All Diseases is perfect cure for all auto immune system diseases. It cures...