How much water one should drink

How much water one should drink How much water one should drink The symptoms of hydration and dehydration are same - Headache Fatigue dark coloured urine dry mouth joint pain dry skin Constipation Weight Gain Pre-mature aging Recurring Sickness Some of the symptoms you may find on the links mentioned above. I have experienced all the above in both the cases. One may try experiencing first hand -...

constipation and evidence based modern science

constipation and evidence based modern science constipation and evidence based modern science 90% of the population of this world passes stool in the morning. 90% of the population of this earth does not drink water during night. So effectively 90% of the population of this earth passes stool after 10 to 12 hours of dehydration. Can we really say that for passing healthy stool, one should...


Insomnia Insomnia Patient 55 year old person. No other health conditions. Used to sleep immediately after dinner. Used to get deep sleep within less than 5 minutes of hitting the bed. For last 6 months he was not able to sleep whole night. He was visibly scared because of this health condition. The Insomnia Cure - I told him if he does not get sleep this is too good for him. He can now really...

Vitamin C – Cold – Flu

Vitamin C - Cold - Flu Vitamin C - Cold - Flu Google ranks web sites higher if they have nice images. The above web site has nice images and so it will rank higher. The above web site deals with increasing the vitamin C dose to reduce suffering from cold and flu. There is no explanation given of the possible mechanism which could be behind this perception of relief from cold and flu. According to...

Kidney failure high creatinine swelling and high blood pressure

Kidney failure high creatinine swelling and high blood pressure Kidney failure – high creatinine swelling and high blood pressure Case 1 Patient Details – Age 30 years. Suffered from very high BP for last 2 years. Was on BP medicines. Started dialysis on 2.3.2017. The weight before dialysis used to be 74 kg and after dialysis 70 kg. His creatinine was 14. Contacted on 24.2.2017 at 2 pm....

Migraine Cause and Cure and Resting Metabolic Rate

Migraine Cause and Cure and Resting Metabolic Rate Migraine Cause and Cure and Resting Metabolic Rate Exercise provokes migraine attack. But mild exercise may help relieve migraine pains. You may like to verify the following links. Exercise or no exercise has no link with migraine. None of the above web sites offer any help or insight into the cause of Migraines. I have cured migraine completely....

hernia cause cure is easy and free

hernia cause cure is easy and free hernia cause cure is easy and free Read my blog to understand physiology of al hernias. Check my profile. Today (23.03.2017) a 80 year old man struck conversation with me. I was not in a mood to discuss anything with any body at that time. Initially I tried to ignore him. But he came straight saying - If I know of a person with knee pain, I should refer him/ her...

Kidney Failure Cure

Kidney Failure Cure Kidney Failure Cure Case Study Patient - On 03 Feb 2017 - 30 years, creatinine 14, very high blood pressure (200/120), Hb 5.5. weight before dialysis 74, weight after dialysis 70 kg. On 24 Feb 2017 started taking 1/2 small spoon of sugar every hour. On 25.2.2017 no burning sensation while urinating. 25.02.2017 started walking for 5 minutes every hour followed with bed rest of...

obesity heart disease and kidney disease

obesity heart disease and kidney disease obesity heart disease and kidney disease Obesity is the not does not cause heart disease and kidney disease. Obesity is outcome of fluid over load and fluid under load. Obesity is not the cause of heart disease and kidney disease. Obesity is the effect / result of poor kidney functioning. Unless we start seeing the problems correctly, we will never find a...

heart diseases cancer stroke and balding

heart diseases cancer stroke and balding heart diseases cancer stroke and balding Read the above link and my posts on bed wetting. Bed wetting is an indication that the kidneys are not optimally or that there is excess or less water and other fluid intake. Fluid overload is the only possible cause for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. This will eventually leads to increased risk of...