Vitamin C – Cold – Flu
Vitamin C – Cold – Flu
Google ranks web sites higher if they have nice images.
The above web site has nice images and so it will rank higher.
The above web site deals with increasing the vitamin C dose to reduce suffering from cold and flu.
There is no explanation given of the possible mechanism which could be behind this perception of relief from cold and flu.
According to my experience and my experiments with the working of human body – with vitamin C is major reason for high incidence of cold and flu.
Vitamin C increases the absorption rate of minerals in the blood. In the process large quantities of vitamin C are also absorbed in the blood causing lodging of large quantities of vitamin C in cells. That becomes breeding ground for all bacteria.
Then Vitamin C keeps pushing more of irritants in the blood which are causing inflammation in the cells providing some relief from cold and flu.
I got complete relief from cold and flu of more than 40 years by reducing intake of vitamin C.
Whatever it be. Even if my experience is wrong, there should be complete explanation if one holds a point of view so that others can review the same.
Yesterday there was a news item that tea and caffeine reduces the absorption of sugar in the blood, thereby providing some sort of protection from diabetes.
There cannot be any further away from truth than this statement.
Caffeine reduces absorption of sugar in blood – that is true. But caffeine absorption in the blood increases with that. After some time caffeine starts reducing absorption of sugar into cells lowering the Resting Metabolism and triggering Metabolic syndrome and all associated diseases.
And there is nobody to watch out who is posting what. People can get rid of posting any garbage and play with public health.