Celiac Cure Case 2
Brief details of the patient
- Age 22 years
- under weight by about 10-12 kg
- dry skin patches
- flickering eyes in day light
- poor food intake
- 500-800 ml milk intake daily
- Body temperature 95-96 for very long period of time.
- Frequent bowel movements.
I guessed that he could be suffering from celiac and IBS.
- Water routine. Day 1 – 200 ml water 10 times with one hour gap. Day 2 No water or other fluid intake.
- Only rice intake. No wheat or other gluten containing food
- No milk or juice intake
- 3rd day the body temperature was 100.3 degree C. Took medicine without consulting. The body temperature returned to 95-96
- Again after 3 days the body temperature changed to 98.3 degree
- Increase in food intake
- No blinking of eyes when exposed to day light
- 1 bowel movement in 24 hours
- Increase in energy
- No more dry skin patches in the forehead