Constipation and Dehydration

Constipation and Dehydration

Constipation and Dehydration

Constipation is single cause that could be contributing to all ailments in the world. And there is no cure or conclusive study of constipation.


I am a perfectionist.


I suffered from severe constipation for a long time. I suffered from other stomach related issues as well for a long time.


I tried various water drinking solution. I got 80 to 90 relief from various water drinking routines.


But I am not satisfied. My pursuit of cure of constipation is still not over.


Currently I have decided to try the following routine to eliminate constipation completely and to reverse all the damage that it can do or has done in my body.


Day 1 – I am drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water with one hour gap. This will clear the blood of imbalances of minerals, vitamins and other chemicals.

Day 2 to 15 – I am drinking 300 ml water with occasional drinking of 200 ml tea on 4-5 days. I am trying to restrict my liquid intake to 500 ml in 24 hours on all days. Even if the temperature runs at 40 degree C. Once the body has been cleaned of all the imbalances of minerals and chemicals, it does not mean lots of fluids. After managing the blood the next job is to clean up the stored imbalances of the body. The stores of excesses lying in the tissues, liver and elsewhere needs to be cleaned. That will happen only if you drink less water. That will draw the reserves or stored things to the blood for getting removed from the body on day 16. Drinking more water on Day 2 to 15 can do irreversible damage to the body.


Immediately on waking up in the morning – I would walk for 2-3 minutes. Followed with a sitting rest for 5 minutes. Any walk which is brisk or for longer duration will tighten the muscles causing stoppage of the gastric movements. When muscles get tired or experience pain they tighten up. So resting and relaxation is the key to complete gastric emptying.

Walk for another 5 minutes and then rest in bed for 15 to 30 minutes.

Repeat the above walk and rest routine till I get a strong motion movement.


I take my weight before and after motion. There should be difference of 300 or more after motion.One needs to the maximum difference in weight before and after bowel movement. When the difference in weight before and after start falling, that will be the time for increasing the water intake (8 to 12 glasses of water a day).


One should expect weight loss of 5 t 10 kg in a month with the above.


The purpose and theory behind the above routine –


  • When I started my water routine about 12 years back, At this time I used to drink 250 ml water every hour during the day averaging about 10 to 12 glasses of water per day. I found that I got immediate and complete relief from constipation, head aches and gas in 2-3 days.
  • When I continued with drinking the above amount of water, I suffered from constipation after few days.
  • I concluded that constipation is caused due to extreme acidity. When I started I was suffering from severe acidity.
  • But later I suffered from constipation again while drinking enough water. I tried using the loss of minerals theory and supplemented minerals by taking 10 to 20 grams of salt every day in water. But that also did not work on long term basis.
  • I observed that I do not lose more than 100 gram weight after motion.
  • The motions are soft and semi solid. And I used to get head aches once in 10-15 days.
  • I found that dehydration has lots of health benefits.
  • I observed that tea is dehydrating but most of the people around world uses tea to relief themselves of constipation.
  • I realised that during sleep most of the people do not drink any liquids and still they get motion in the morning. That means dehydration is pre-requisite for healthy motion.
  • That people use honey, lemon, warm water etc to relief of constipation. All off these are dehydrating.
  • Yoga, breathing exercises, sports, walking running etc all are dehydrating and help in getting relief from constipation.


The targets of the above water routine are –

  • Weight Loss
  • Easy and full motion
  • Cholesterol reduction
  • Better kidney health
  • Improvement in stamina
  • Saving of time that people spend on walking away from house
  • To get plenty sleep and rest.
  • To reverse the aging process.


Watch this space regularly to get the results of tests I am doing on myself.


And please you do not start this on yourself.


I have practiced dehydration over last 10 years or so. But any one new should not attempt this. If some one out there wants to try, do not dehydrate yourself for more than 2 days in the beginning.


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