Evidence Based Allopathy
Evidence Based Allopathy
There has been single blind studies, double blind studies and triple blind studies, but the best million blind study has been recently published.
You cannot miss this study.
With every increase in research funding, with every development of new drugs, with every new study getting published the diseases are increasing. People are becoming sick. The people are becoming smaller and losing strength.
There were fewer doctors, fewer gyms, fewer sports grounds, fewer of every thing 50 year back as compared to doctors, gyms, sports grounds as they are now. And there were fewer sick people.
Why cannot the blind research/ studies see this and stop the research on health.
These studies are really maddening and cause of every disease.
Please check the above link and see where the humans will be in 2035.
It is really very frightening.
Allopathy and the above study cannot co-exist.
The number of people who will be diabetic is going to increase to 45% of total population in 2035. The number of people with hypertension and heart diseases will also multiply by the year 2035.
What use is then all this research and studies are.
There is direct co-relation between increase in diseases and increase in funding of research related to health.