Migraine causes and cure
I suffered from Migraine pains for almost 10 years. Recently it got much more intense and unbearable. Finally I could cure it completely.
My trigger points were –
Drinking tea on Day 1 and then not drinking tea on day 2 or 3. Usually non consumption of tea in 48 hours will trigger these pains. Mostly within 24 hours.
Consuming large amounts of sweets within a short period of time.
Consuming large amount of salty snacks.
Consuming large amount of citrus fruits.
Drinking lot of water within short period of time.
Being in bed for long periods of time.
Walking long distance without rest or water.
Not taking meals in time.
Even when the above trigger points were not there, I would get migraine pains in about 15 days. But these were not very intense and unbearable. And these will not last for more than 1 to 4 hours.
I was leading a sedentary lifestyle.
When I closely analysed these, I realised that all of the situations result in movement of large amount of fluids from arteries to cells or cells to arteries.
From April 2016 I decided to walk for 5 minutes every hour of so at the comfort of my home.
There was immense improvement in body weight, clarity of logical thinking, cholesterol levels etc. Overall health improved.
But I realised that even know the tea would trigger the migraine pain.
Then I decided to start walking the moment the migraine pains started.
And within 15–30 seconds of starting to walk my migraines would disappear. If these migraine pains would start again, I will start walking again. Even a walk for 1 minute used to work.
Since April 1, 2016 I have used various migraine triggers more than 5–6 times but I could control my migraine pains within less than 1 minute.
Besides getting rid of my migraine pains, it gave a new hint for further research in the area.
Walking may be promoting fluid distribution to the further cells. This will ensure increase in Resting Metabolic Rate. Movement of fluids in cells or reverse mode could only be controlled if the fluid could be diverted to some other newer areas.
For next 6 months I would be working on this area. I am looking forward for people who would love to join me with their feedback in this area.
So if interested follow me here on Quora.