What can be the permanent cure of mouth ulcers What can be the permanent cure of mouth ulcers If you are drinking more than 2 liters of water every day than you can get relief from mouth ulcers in 18 hours by not drinking any fluids. For long term and permanent relief from mouth ulcers do hydration / dehydration cycles every 15 days for 3 months. For details on hydration / dehydration cycles read...
Is there any perfect remedy for mouth ulcers Is there any perfect remedy for mouth ulcers How much water and other fluids that you are drinking. If you are drinking 1500 ml water or more than that, restrict water intake to 200 ml 1 hour before each meal. Total 200x3 = 600 ml. Mouth ulcer will disappear in 60% cases by end of day 1 and in 95% case by end of day 3. To permanently get rid of mouth...
Why don't I lose weight even if I don't eat more than my resting calorie rate Why don't I lose weight even if I don't eat more than my resting calorie rate What is Resting Metabolic Rate? It is energy that your body needs to survive. Or in other words it is the energy that is used by your vital organs to survive. So if you are not eating your Resting Metabolic Rate you are killing yourself. You...
Migraine Cure inflammation Migraine Cure inflammation I suffered from migraine pains for more than 10 years. With time migraine pain became unbearable. There was no slow down in migraine pain as I aged and crossed 50 years of age. I am 54.5 year old now. Since 1.4.2016 I was following walking and rest theory (more details on my home page I got substantial relief from migraine relief say more than...
Dehydration and Kidneys Dehydration and Kidneys I have been dehydrating for last 10 years or so. Before that I had kidney stones 3 times in 4 years. These stones came out in urine without any operation. During this period my serum creatinine was 1.0 or higher. I usually dehydrate once in 10-15 days. Dehydration lasts 24 to 36 hours at a time. During this period I usually do not drink any water...
Are fruits good for health Are fruits good for health Eating fruits is suggested to be best for good health. But when there is kidney failure than fruits are banned for patients. Does it not mean that fruits in excess are bad? Who will suggest how much of fruits is good for health? Does it not mean that supplements and vitamins in excess are also bad? I personally do not recommend eating fruits...
hypertension and doctors hypertension and doctors This should come as a shock that more than 50% of the doctors suffer from some form of hypertension. That should also come as a reflection of the efficacy of current medicine systems and theory in general. There is not a single statement of medicine professionals which can be taken without any doubt. Salt is blamed to be top most reason for high...
IRDA and insurance in India IRDA and insurance in India 3rd party insurance covers are not available online inspite of all other types of insurance having come online for a long time now. As per law it is illegal to drive a vehicle on Indian Roads without a valid 3rd party insurance cover. As per law IRDA has been entrusted with the duty to regulate the insurance business in India. Today more...
Supplements Vitamins and Blood Tests Supplements Vitamins and Blood Tests Various blood tests are performed for checking the level of minerals and vitamins in the body. The volume of blood in human body is 6 to 7% of the body weight. That is about 4 to 5 liters for a person of 70 kg. So these blood tests are vastly altered by the amount of water that a person drinks before the blood test. But...
AOR Exam 2017 AOR Exam 2017 I want to draw the attention of the applicants for Advocate on Record examination 2017 to the following - Section 138 judgments on post dated cheques - To my mind the judgments of the Hon'ble Supreme court on post dated cheques are without considering section 68 of Indian Stamp Act. Drawing a post dated cheque is illegal since the law prescribes a fine for the same on...