how to stop overeating how to stop overeating You do not need drugs to control over eating. But so called scientists, doctors, pharma companies and News agencies have some other plans. Check it out for yourself - Body needs minerals and vitamins to be healthy. But the New Research indicate that scientific temperament and common sense do not...
doomsday when will be end day of humans doomsday when will be end day of humans is based on pure science and maths. I had to add maths because the word science has lost its meaning these days. the number of Americans with cardiovascular disease will rise to 131.2 million - 45 percent of the total U.S. population The following example may open up your eyes to the hard...
Why you should stop funding research in health Why you should stop funding research in health This is funniest news item. Who is responsible for the deteriorating health of the people in this world? People who fund the research. Trillions of dollars have gone into research into last several decades and you are time and again bombarded with this type of news. It is time to question - have we not...
Are Almonds Good for your Heart Are Almonds Good for your Heart You can not stop research from publishing half truths. Almonds are rich in oils. Oils are bad for cardiovascular health. Diabetes ups risk of heart diseases. Which of the above statements you are going to trust? What is the job of researchers? Waste public money, give no value to people who paid them money to help them. I...
Slowing Down the Aging Process Slowing Down the Aging Process The recent research claims that reducing the calorie consumption can slow down the aging process. The following is the link to the research. The research seems to be based on the recent news items where the people who lived longest claimed that the secret to their longevity is low calorie consumption. This...
One Cure for All Diseases One Cure for All Diseases Every disease is caused due to chronic inflammation. Inflammation essentially involves some swelling. This inflammation is at cellular level. There is excess fluid in cells as well as in gaps between the cells. By hydration / dehydration cycles the fluid outside the cells (gap between the cells) is exchanged / removed to the blood and outside...
Inflammation and causes of Inflammation inflammation and causes of inflammation It is most important to understand inflammation for a perfect health. We need to examine different health conditions and see how the inflammation would have caused that particular health condition. Exercise Every exercise/ activity causes inflammation. Diabetes Diabetes is high blood sugar then what is perceived to be...
Eczema Cure Eczema Cure Whatsapp conversation with a patient for 6 days. Dipesh Kothari Eczema: Sir my name is Dipesh Kothari . I am having a severe problem of hives eczema . When I take antihistamine medicines it gets better for 2/3 days but again the itching comes back . I have tried everything from allopathy, Ayurvedic and homeopathy medicine but it's of no use. i have even a tried a gluten...
Migraine Cure Migraine Cure 19 year old boy cured of severe Migraine pains in 6 days. Whatsapp conversation is given below. 1/12, 9:32 AM] Parth Migraine: Hello sir Parth Migraine: I am Parth Parth Migraine: I am suffering from migraines Parth Migraine: I have started following your schedule from today Parth Migraine: Should I take migrane medicine along with that or not Parth Migraine:...
Acidity Cure GERD Bloating Indigestion Acidity Cure GERD Bloating Indigestion Acidity, burping and indigestion could not be treated by allopath and homeopath doctors in 9 months. Then the person tried One Cure for All Diseases for 2 days. 48 hours. My blog Started on 1st Jan 2017. Today morning ie 6th Jan 2017 he was completely cured. Whatsapp conversation of 6 days is...