Thyroid Disorder Cure Thyroid is responsible for regulating the distribution of energy in our body. The need of energy can be divided in 2 sections. Internal and external. Internal need means the energy needed to support the life processes. While human body is in complete rest condition (deep sleep) it needs energy for heart, brain, for functioning of other vital organs and life processes....
Consider the following The above link discusses - how pancreas works to control our blood sugar. Pancreas releases insulin to provide steady flow of glucose to the cells. Insulin is not meant to remove the excess sugar from the blood permanently. Insulin simply helps to stores the sugar temporarily when there is a surge of blood sugar. Another chemical from pancreas, glucagon is released when the...
Diabetes Causes and Cure Diabetes Causes and Cure Brief facts concerning the functioning of our body What ever we eat goes in our stomach. It gets converted in a fine paste in the stomach with the help of acids and enzymes and is moved to small intestines. From the small intestines the minerals and vitamins in the food are absorbed into blood. Rest of the things are moved to the large intestine...
Pacemaker and Potassium Heart pace maker is recommended for a person when his pulse rate goes down. The company which manufactures the pace makers say on their web site that pace maker has no utility. My mother has been recommended the pace maker More then 6 times by hospitals in last 10 years. My mother is diabetic for last 40 years. Her pulse goes down when her potassium goes...
One Cure for All Diseases One Cure for All Diseases अगर आप पूरा आर्टिकल नहीं पड़ना चाहते है तो बस ये जान लीजिये की सवस्थ रहने के लिए आप को क्या करना है | पहला पॉइंट पहले दिन - १०० से २०० ml...
Does weight lifting stunt growth Does weight lifting stunt growth It may stunt or reduce the growth. There was a study (Sorry I do not have the link of the study or news paper where it was reported) that concluded that children who are active in younger days (till about 16) have high metabolic rate. Implying that the metabolic rate does not change later according to the diet or exercise routines...
Thyroid Cure Thyroid Cure Thyroid gland is responsible for distribution of energy for various organs and subsystem of the body as well as physical activities. Thyroid disorder cause is conflicting demands of energy by different organs and sub systems of the body. I heard about thyroid disorder in the family members since a very long time. People who took supplements to lose weight...
Weight Loss Success story Weight Loss Success story I am 53. I had been sports person all my life. But since I was from middle class and did not have enough funds to buy sports equipment or to spend any money on only sports things, we were never so regular. About 10 years back I weighed 75 kg with 165 cm height and that bothered me. Along came poor health conditions. I started playing badminton....
One Cure for All Diseases One Cure for All Diseases Example Take a glass of water. Add a spoon of salt to the water. Taste the water. If salt is more, one will add more water to dilute the salt. If salt is less, one will take less water next time. Blood in Human Body Blood in Human body is 6 to 7% of the body weight. A person weighing 70 kg will have 4.2 to 4.9 litres of blood in his body. The...
Eczema Eczema Eczema is bound to worsen as you grow older. Older people drink more water and other fluids and they move less, so they suffer from constipation and eczema. None of the listed causes cause eczema. It is caused due to mineral and fluid imbalance in the body. For permanent cure of eczema - keep reading. In last 12 months I cured 7 persons suffering from eczema in 10 days or less....