benefits of hydration for skin

benefits of hydration for skin benefits of hydration for skin Skin Diseases Eczema and Psoraisis and vitiligo Lot of Eczema patients contact me. Eczema is on the rise these days. Little kids are getting severely affected with eczema and parents are losing sleep. No one can see their children scratching their skin to bleeding and crying. And it is as easy as 123 to cure eczema. All people with...

Osteoporosis Calcium and Vitamin D3

Osteoporosis Calcium and Vitamin D3 Osteoporosis Calcium and Vitamin D3 I am 55 year old. 15 years back I was told that I have severe osteoporosis. I was also told that I have to take calcium and vitamin D3. I used to have severe back pain, severe bone pain, heal spur, acidity, severe constipation, frequent head ache, low energy levels. That made me want to learn about health. Initially I was not...

Feedback from Diabetes Patients

Feedback from Diabetes Patients Feedback from Diabetes Patients I got very encouraging feedback on drinking water with meals only to cure diabetes in last 3-6 months. The main feedback of the people is - That restricting water and other fluid intake to 1 glass of water with each meal for 5 days lowers the blood sugar levels to near normal levels. However after 20 to 30 days the random blood sugar...

Updated PCOS Cure

Updated PCOS Cure Updated PCOS Cure Lot of PCOS patients suffer from IBS (stomach related discomfort) as well. Last updated answers on PCOS cure mentioned about drinking water with meals on dehydration days. However the feedback from people indicate that it IBS requires complete dehydration. There were much better results with complete dehydration for 36 hours. Now updated PCOS cure is as under:-...

Updated IBS Cure

Updated IBS Cure Updated IBS Cure Last updated answers on IBS cure mentioned about drinking water with meals on dehydration days. However the feedback from people indicate that it delays the complete recovery from IBS and sometimes IBS comes back as well. There were much better results with complete dehydration for 36 hours. Now updated IBS cure is as under:- Day 1 – Drink 150 to 200 ml water...

Updated Eczema Cure

Updated Eczema Cure Updated Eczema Cure Last updated answers on Eczema cure mentioned about drinking water with meals on dehydration days. However the feedback from people indicate that it delays the complete recovery from eczema and sometimes eczema comes back as well. There were much better results with complete dehydration for 36 hours. Now updated eczema cure is as under:- Day 1 – Drink 150...

Diabetes hunger and meal size relationship

Diabetes hunger and meal size relationship Diabetes hunger and meal size relationship Assumptions These days young persons born in middle and middle income class households are less active. In younger days people are not over weight. As people age they gain weight. As people age they become busy and work harder then they used to work in younger days. Educated people think that in case they eat...

Diabetes and modern medicine professionals

Diabetes and modern medicine professionals Diabetes and modern medicine professionals Diabetes symptoms are - thirst and frequent urination. Diabetes side effects are listed on - For each of these diseases the diabetes doctors refer to other professionals. Something as simple as skin complications - they refer to skin specialists....

Acidity Cure GERD Cure

Acidity Cure GERD Cure Acidity Cure GERD Cure Acidity is caused due to imbalance of fluids in 3 fluid compartments of the body. Fluid imbalance results in mineral imbalance in cells. It takes less then 12 hours (at best 24 hours) to get relief. First step - walk for 5 minutes (elderly people can walk for 2-3 minutes) at easy pace with house or any place where you can lie down after walking. After...

What is insulin resistance

What is insulin resistance What is insulin resistance It is said that in diabetes cells become insulin resistant. Still we target to deliver more insulin to cells - if cells have become insulin resistant, then it is counter productive to deliver more insulin to cells. Second if insulin is delivered in blood directly it brings about a change in blood sugar levels immediately. But when we deliver...