Skin is our largest organ. It weights from 4 kg to 10 kg depending on weight and height of the person. Skin is excretory organ just like kidneys. Google these facts and confirm if you so like. Skin and kidneys both remove waste or minerals and nutrients in wrong proportions in our body. Any excess fluid or imbalance mineral is temporarily stored in the skin layers. We sweat all the time (whether...
Skin is our largest organ. It weights from 4 kg to 10 kg depending on weight and height of the person. Skin is excretory organ just like kidneys. Google these facts and confirm if you so like. Skin and kidneys both remove waste or minerals and nutrients in wrong proportions in our body. Any excess fluid or imbalance mineral is temporarily stored in the skin layers. We sweat all the time (whether...
What is the best cream to get rid of darker spots for an oily skin? What is the best cream to get rid of darker spots for an oily skin? Anything is excess is bad for health even oxygen. Pre-mature new born are kept in nursery and given oxygen. Any excess of oxygen in nursery causes cerebral palsy and that is the worst disease. Skin top layer is nourished by diffused oxygen coming from the layers...
I am not a qualified doctor. I do not hold any degree or certificate in skin care. The suggestions are based on personal experience and common sense. Water routine logic is given on home Page. Skin Specialist in Delhi My personal experiences are shared on the following links It is also important to read the details on the Home Page as well. Dove soap is the main...
I thought I am the only person waging a war against soaps and shapoos. I really very happy to see other web sites giving complete information in simple to read format. Reasons Soaps and Shampoos remove the essential oils produced by the skin and scalp. So next time your hair and skin feel very oily, and you are compelled to use soaps and shampoos. The stores of those essential oils in the inner...