Current Status on Quora as most viewed Writer Current Status on Quora as most viewed Writer Eczema Diabetes Blood Pressure PCOS Hyper Tension Drinking Water Migraine Health Effects of Water Constipation Mouth Ulcers Acidity / GERD Sinus Mouths Coughing Menopause There are many other topics on which I write on Quora. Some of the other topics do not have most viewed writer tab on Quora. People have...
Cause of Acidity GERD Cause of Acidity GERD I ran advertisements for curing acidity on Google ads during February to April 2019. I got more than 250 calls from people all over India. I recorded all the calls. More than 90% people said that they - Drink water on empty stomach Do not drink water with the meals. They wait for 30 to 60 minutes after a meal for drinking water. Drink more than 4 plus...
Walk and Rest Routines
Walk and Rest Routines
Those who do not work -
After getting up in the morning, rest for 10 minutes while sitting. After that - Walk for 5 minutes at easy pace within your home. After walking for 5 minutes rest in bed for 5 minutes. In case that is not possible one can sit for 5 minutes. But rest in bed is better. Walk for 5 minutes followed with bed rest (if possible)...
Fatty Liver Cure Fatty Liver Cure So far I have not come across any authentic web site which claims to know the cause and process which results in fatty liver. Without under the cause there cannot be any cure. That is why medicine systems claim to slow down the process of damage to the liver due to fatty liver rather than promising a cure. I this article I attempt to first deal with the cause of...
Cure mouth ulcers in 24 hours Cure mouth ulcers in 24 hours I am most viewed writer in this world on the topic "Mouth Ulcers" on Quora for last 2 years. You can check my current status by clicking here. Mouth ulcers are caused due to lack of minerals in the body due to drinking too much fluids. Mineral level can be increased in 12 hours or less by restricting the fluid intake. There are 10000s of...
Do people feel more thirsty before heart attack? Why? Do people feel more thirsty before heart attack? Why? Yes. People feel more thirsty before heart attack. I have made video to help you understand why people feel thirsty before a heart attack. Do you think it is important for people to understand why do they feel more thirsty? Do you think any heart patient has asked his doctors the question...
Heart Attack Cause prevention treatment Heart Attack Cause prevention treatment Heart attack cause has been explained in Hindi voice and English titles in the video below. One cure for all diseases work fastest in a matter of 12 to 24 hours. You can check the feedback of the patients. For feedback of patients click here. Subscribe to my youtube channel. Also add my mobile number +91-9971730965 to...
Acidity GERD Cure in 48 hours Acidity GERD Cure in 48 hours Acidity is caused due to low stomach acids. The cause of low stomach acids is excess fluid intake. Usually our kidneys deal with excess fluid intake efficiently. But with passage of time the excess fluids starts accumulating in cells resulting in low metabolic rate and host of the diseases like migraine, acidity, indigestion,...
Erectile dysfunction Cause and Cure Erectile dysfunction Cause and Cure Erectile dysfunction is caused due to low blood volume. Low blood volume is caused in diabetes, hypertension (high BP), heart disease and thyroid disease. Low blood volume is also caused due to some medicines of BP and other conditions. You can always judge whether taking any medicine in your life is good or bad. I have not...
What is the role of liver in maintaining the mineral balance in blood and cells? What is the role of liver in maintaining the mineral balance in blood and cells? Liver gets nutrients from small intestines through portal vein. Liver maintains macro nutrients balance in the blood and passes on the blood to kidneys for maintaining mineral balance. Liver maintains the balance among carbs, fats and...