What happens if diabetic stops medicines

What happens if diabetic stops medicines What happens if diabetic stops medicines A lady aged 60 years discussed hydration dehydration cycles. She decided to take the chance with hydration dehydration cycles and stopped her BP and Diabetes medicines from day 1. She was diabetic for more than 5 years. Her age Blood sugar with medicines used to be 200/300 (fasting and random). First 5 days, after...

Diabetes and Blood pressure testimonials

Diabetes and Blood pressure testimonials Diabetes and Blood pressure testimonials Male. 55 Year old. Taking BP and diabetes medicines for more than 15 years. Active. Spends 2 hours walking, exercising and sports for more than 10 years. In 7 days stopped taking medicines for diabetes. After about 20 days stopped taking medicines for Blood pressure. Drank 1 glass of water with each meal. Drank...

Diabetes Testimonials

Diabetes Testimonials Diabetes Testimonials A 60 year old lady suffering from diabetes for last 5 years had the following experience. From day 1 to day 5 she gave up her medicines for diabetes. Her random blood sugar was 268. On day 2 her random sugar was 245. On day 3 her random sugar was 210. On day 5 her random sugar was 165. What she did during these 5 days - Drank 200 to 250 ml water with...

One plus 6 and samsung galaxy S8

One plus 6 and samsung galaxy S8 One plus 6 and samsung galaxy S8 Both these phones have similar price. But which one should one should buy. If you want to buy a second hand mobile go far S8. These days every few months the power of the processor increases dramatically. Buying a product that was released 1 year back it worse then buying a second hand mobile. Second hand S8 would come much...

Hydration dehydration cycles

Hydration dehydration cycles Hydration dehydration cycles We should drink fluids based on our food intake and activity level. On average drink 70 ml water with each chapati (or equivalent rice) that one eats. So a person eating 2 chapatis should drink only 150 ml. Food intake should be 3 to 4 Rotis or equivalent in each meal for an average person. Take small sips of water after every few bites....

Amitabh Bachchan Is Angry

Amitabh Bachchan Is Angry Amitabh Bachchan Is Angry This is in response to news item at - The copy right Act provides 60 years of copy right. Amitabh Bachchan has expressed anger at the limitation provided in the Act. That is very mean. The society provides a lot. The audience provides a lot of value to any work. The publisher and there are 100s of other people whose efforts go into promoting any...

Blood Pressure Cure

Blood Pressure Cure Blood Pressure Cure Blood Pressure has no symptoms.   First line of medicines are diuretics commonly known as water pills. They make a person pee more often and increase the volume of urine as well.   Diabetes symptoms are   increased thirst frequent urination   50% of the people with diabetes or BP will get the other one in due course of time.   So in...

Diabetes Cure

Feedback of 2nd May 2018 from a Diabetic and Blood pressure Patient Diabetes Cure Diabetes Cure First we must understand what is the cause of Diabetes. Diabetes symptoms are increased thirst frequent urination Thirst is caused when the blood volume is reduced. So the first target for management of diabetes should be to increase blood volume. Once thirst is managed frequent urination will...

Aircel upc porting codes

Aircel upc porting codes Aircel upc porting codes All should give feedback of the mechanism suggested by TRAI for provision of mobile numbers for generation of Aircel upc porting code. Aircel porting code generation is biggest ever security breach suggested by anybody in the world till date. The contact numbers of TRAI are as under: Contact Us Head Office Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ...