Health Systems-Allopathy-Homeopathy-Yoga-Exercise

Health Systems-Allopathy-Homeopathy-Yoga-Exercise All the health systems in the world depend on the working of some of the systems in the body. Allopathy has no medicine for Jaundice, because lever is not working. If the liver does not work the medicines that a person eats or drinks can not work. There are so many other conditions in which allopathy does not have a relief system. It is believed...

Poor Eye Vision and Bed Wetting

Poor Eye Vision and Bed Wetting Poor Eye Vision and Bed Wetting - Poor eye vision is caused due to fluid imbalance in the body. Doctors tell people to eat carrots. Drink carrot juice etc. That does not restore the fluid imbalance in the body. According to me poor eye sight is caused due to fluid imbalance in the body. Some of the signs of fluid imbalance in the body are frequent cold and cough,...

BedWetting Medical Negligence

BedWetting Medical Negligence BedWetting Medical Negligence - side effects include swelling of face. That swelling in the face is indicative of excessive fluid build up in the body. That does an irreversible damage to the heart, brain and other vital organs of the body. That is no rocket science. Does that make it a case of medical negligence by pharma companies? They kept ignoring very clear...