Migraine Cure inflammation

Migraine Cure inflammation Migraine Cure inflammation I suffered from migraine pains for more than 10 years. With time migraine pain became unbearable. There was no slow down in migraine pain as I aged and crossed 50 years of age. I am 54.5 year old now. Since 1.4.2016 I was following walking and rest theory (more details on my home page I got substantial relief from migraine relief say more than...

Sepsis epilepsy cure

Sepsis epilepsy cure Sepsis epilepsy cure Earlier I shared the health conditions of my father in 2014. He had sepsis and then multiple organ failure. Doctors said that there is no possibility of this recovery and he cannot recover from semi conscious state. But he did recover and was completely independent. I tried finding out what worked in his recovery. Posted my thoughts about the factors...

Anti Aging Drugs

Anti Aging Drugs Anti Aging Drugs The scientists claims of slowing down aging process is faulty. Water is the biggest inflammatory item. One of the group was given water alone causing inflammation. The other group was given a drug to remove the toxins of the metabolic process. These toxins must be removed with the help of fluids in cells. You do not need drugs to remove the cellular toxins....

Are Almonds Good for your Heart

Are Almonds Good for your Heart Are Almonds Good for your Heart You can not stop research from publishing half truths. Almonds are rich in oils. Oils are bad for cardiovascular health. Diabetes ups risk of heart diseases. Which of the above statements you are going to trust? What is the job of researchers? Waste public money, give no value to people who paid them money to help them. I...

Slowing Down the Aging Process

Slowing Down the Aging Process Slowing Down the Aging Process         The recent research claims that reducing the calorie consumption can slow down the aging process. The following is the link to the research. The research seems to be based on the recent news items where the people who lived longest claimed that the secret to their longevity is low calorie consumption. This...

Inflammation and causes of inflammation

Inflammation and causes of Inflammation inflammation and causes of inflammation It is most important to understand inflammation for a perfect health. We need to examine different health conditions and see how the inflammation would have caused that particular health condition. Exercise Every exercise/ activity causes inflammation. Diabetes Diabetes is high blood sugar then what is perceived to be...

Inflammation, Cancer and AIDS

Whole world will die of cancer and AIDS if people do not start looking at inflammation from my perspective. But nothing to worry about. There is lot of time for people out there to form an opinion. 30-40 years back it was claimed that calcium and vitamin D3 is good for bones. But results after 40 years show that people have poor bones now they they had 4- years back. The predictions for next 20...

Inflammatory and Non Inflammatory Foods

Desperation of Scientists is manifested in the statements branding the foods as inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. The same foods are consumed by billions of people every day without causing any inflammation. Just because a food causes inflammation in less then 0.1% of the population, the scientists have termed the foods as inflammatory. Milk and other Diary products, wheat etc are branded as...

Milk Causes Inflammation and Diseases

Inflammation is the Cause of all diseases on this earth. There are certain foods that promote inflammation in our body. Even aging is the result of inflammation. For more information about what is inflammation click on - If you look for the food that cause inflammation - milk and diary products are on top of the list. The reason seems to be the raging controversy about the disadvantages...